Although the employment of servants may sound like a relic of a bygone century, there are still many countries in the world where it represents affluence, power and status. In such locations, expatriates - and the companies that they represent - are expected by the local populace to conform to best market practice and it is probably not unreasonable to infer that the esteem in which they are held will increase in proportion to the number of servants they employ. They will also, in many cases, be providing much-needed employment and so be contributing to the wealth of the community.
In addition, there are locations, notably parts of Africa and Central America, where security poses a real threat to anyone whose affluence is notable. In such places, merely being foreign might be enough to trigger thoughts of theft, kidnap or brutality in the minds of the local criminal fraternity. It therefore goes without saying that security guards are an essential part of these remuneration packages.
Club Subscription
Club membership fees and subscriptions are usually paid for by an expatriate's employer if there is a good business case. The social environment is seen as an important part of the settling-in process as well as a useful source of business contacts, particularly in developing countries.
Sports clubs are the commonest form of benefit and, in some areas, it may be necessary to provide access to more than one club - for instance where a golf club does not have separate facilities for squash and swimming. This benefit is not to be underestimated since, in many expatriate communities, the waiting list for club membership is long and the cost of joining correspondingly high.
Rest and Recuperation
'R&R' is usually a feature of a remuneration package for an expatriate in a high-hardship territory. The intention of the employer is to fly the expatriate (plus family if appropriate) to the nearest non-hardship location where decent meals, temperate climate and good communications may be enjoyed. R&R visits rarely exceed one week and are often no more than long weekends. The advantages to the employer are twofold: the trip is relatively cheap and the employee returns to work refreshed, with minimum disruption to the work schedule. R&R leave also often doubles as a shopping trip to allow the expatriate to stock up on essential items.
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