Jun 4, 2011

The Reward System | Reward Management

The approaches to achieving the aims of reward management as described above are incorporated in the reward system of an organization. This consists of:
  • Reward strategies, which set out what the organization intends to do in the longer term to develop and implement reward policies, practices, processes and procedures that will further the achievement of its business goals. For example, an organization may have a strategy to maintain competitive rates of pay.
  • Reward policies, which set guidelines for decision making and action. For example, an organization may have a policy that sets the levels of pay in the organization compared with median market rates.
  • Reward practices, which consist of the grade and pay structures, techniques such as job evaluation, and schemes such as contingent pay used to implement reward strategy and policy. For example, the policy on pay levels will lead to the practice of collecting and analysing market rate data, and making pay adjustments that reflect market rates of increase.
  • Reward processes, which consist of the ways in which policies are implemented and practices carried out, for example the way in which the outcomes of surveys are applied and how managers manage the pay adjustment and review process.
  • Reward procedures, which are operated in order to maintain the system and to ensure that it operates efficiently and flexibly and provides value for money. For example, a procedure will be used for conducting the annual pay review.


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