Share options, deferred bonuses or other long-term incentives are the three main ways in which remuneration policy can provide messages on the need for loyalty and commitment to the organization.
will reflect the different emphasis the company may wish to place on attraction, retention and motivation. Some examples are illustrated below. Their design
Deferred Bonus Schemes
Share Option Schemes
Performance Share Schemes
done worse), 2) loyalty to the company, 3) value delivered to shareholders (in the form of share price performance and dividends), but does not link directly to business performance. Some companies adopt performance share schemes under which executives are provisionally awarded shares. The release of the shares is subject to the company's performance, typically determined on a sliding scale by reference to the company's total shareholder return (a combination of share price growth and dividend yield) ranking against its chosen peer companies over a three-year period. Release is also conditional on the executive remaining employed by the company at the vesting date. Such a scheme emphasizes: 1) relative share price and dividend performance (hence even if the company's share price falls the scheme can deliver rewards to participants, provided the company's peers have
Economic Factors
Although share option schemes remain extremely common for a variety of reasons, the historically typical economic 'boombust' cycle means that they periodically fail when stock market values are low. During the last recession, Hay Group found that 70 per cent of companies in the FTSE 100 had executive options in issue that were 'deep underwater' (ie the share price was less than 80 per cent of the option price). During such times the popularity of other arrangements, such as performance share schemes, tends to grow. When the bull market returns, however, options become fashionable again as companies and their executives see the possibility of large option gains returns.